Higher Education
Graduation 2022 –
College Graduates


We are pleased to make it possible for High School, College and Post Graduates to submit your graduation information using the following web forms.

Reminder: Graduation will be on Sunday, June, 2022 at Shaare Shalom Synagogue (54 Steamboat Rd)
Approx 2 hours in total. All are welcome to attend.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date of Birth: *
 /  / 
Your Father's First Name: *
Your Mother's First Name: *
Your Phone Number: *
Your E-Mail Address: *
University or college graduated from: *
Degree and Major
(Please specify if this is a 'Bachelor of Arts' or 'Bachelor of Science', etc):
G.P.A. (optional):
Any extracurricular activities, honors, clubs you want to mention?:
What are your plans for the future (any jobs lined up, pursuing master's, etc):
Do you want to be considered to sing the national anthem or hatikva?:
Do you want to be considered to play a musical instrument?:
If yes, please indicate what instrument:
Do you want to be considered for possibly making a speech?:

If yes, you must submit a draft speech before being considered

Will you be able to attend the Graduation Ceremony this year:
Would you like to help the Higher Education Committee in its programs as a volunteer?:
Did you graduate as a Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, or Pre-Law? If so state which one:
Any other information you want to give that was not covered above?:


If you know anyone who is graduating this year but may not hear about the graduation, please give us their name and phone number below:

Friend's Name:
Friend's Phone Number: