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Presented to the People of Israel

Presented to the People of Israel


The United Mashadi Jewish Community of America
Great Neck, NY


We did it !

Thanks to the combined efforts of the Israel & Zionism Committee, the Mashadi Youth Committee, the Mashadi Sisterhood, 2013 Bar Mitzvah Boys as well as many other community volunteers, we have raised $100,000 to fund an ambulance in Israel.

We did it again! The community showed that through unity we can complete any goal we set out. A big portion of the funds were raised from the community wide basketball tournament. Men and women of all ages came together to compete in a very exciting series of basketball games that ended with a “celebrity” basketball finals game mixing up the winning team of the tournament and current & previous Central Board members and community servants.

WFL 4   WFL 2   WFL 1a   WFL 3a

The ambulance will serve many years saving lives and hopefully helping the deliveries of many babies around Israel. Afterwards it will spend the rest of its useful life providing medical care in a kibbutz.

The actual ambulance we have purchased is built right here in the USA. It will leave the US on a ship to Haifa later on this year. On its way to the ocean liner it will be delivered to us to display in our own Shaare Shalom Parking lot on Sunday October 6th where it will be dedicated to Magen David Adom in Israel.

Save the date

and bring all your kids.

Magen David Adom Ambulance dedication day: Sunday October 6th 2013.

Magen David Adom (MDA) provides a rapid and skilled emergency medical response, including disaster, ambulance, and blood services, to more than half a million Israelis each year. When you make a charitable gift to support MDA, you’re helping save lives and perform miraculous rescues every day.

MDA’s work is mandated by the Israeli government, but it’s not government-funded. MDA relies on donors to ensure dispatch centers are equipped with the latest communications technology, ambulances are stocked with cutting-edge lifesaving equipment, and paramedics have the most up-to-date training.

A joint project of the Mashadi Youth Committee & The Israel & Zionism Committee of the UMJCA.

MYC logo              Israel & Zionism

Wheels For Life Basketball tournament

The MYC and the Israel Zionism Committee in cooperation with American Friends of Magen David Adom are proud to present the Wheels For Life 3-on3 Basketball tournament on Sunday April 21 @ Shaare Shalom Gym.

Sign-up deadline March 21st

All proceeds will go towards dedicating an ambulance to Magen David Adom in Israel in the name of the Mashadi Community of NY. For information about the tournament and Magen David Adom, click here.

To donate NOW, visit

Shalom Summer Camp

Starting July 1 – August 23, 2013 (8 weeks)

Toddlers  9:30 -2:00
8 weeks $1,900,  6 weeks $1,500,  4 weeks $1,000

Nursery, Pre- K, & Kindergarten  9:30 – 3:00
8 weeks $2,100,  6 weeks $1,650,   4 weeks $1,100

Hot Lunch, Snacks and $500 Registration Deposit included in Price

Exciting Special Events
Large Dynamic Outdoor Playground
Bicycle Track
Water Fun & Sprinklers
Outstanding Indoor Facilities and Playground

130 Steamboat Road
Betty Arjang – Director

Early Bird Prices In effect through March 14, 2013

MYC / IZC Basketball Tournament!

myc_bbal_tourney_pic (2)As part of our greater goal of raising money to purchase an ambulance for Magen David Adom (Israel’s “Red Cross”), MYC & IZC will be running a community-wide 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. The tournament is open to all men college age & up, and will be held tentatively on Sun Mar 10 Sun Apr 21, venue TBA. $20 grants you entrance to the tournament during the day, with a chance to possibly play in a “Balling with the Stars- Celebrity Game” in the evening (stay tuned for many details to come!) For more information or to sign up please contact:

Troy Kordvani- (516) 817-2660,

Michael Hakimian- (516) 642-0105

Shawn Aziz- (516) 423-6231

There will also be some sort of event for women who would like to play, based on how much interest there is. Any women (college age and up) who would like to play in the event please contact:

Carol Hadjibay – 232-6608.

Bar Mitzvah Chesed project.

On Wednesday, January 23rd, a group of our community’s Bar-mitzvah boys participated in a chesed project at Tomchei Shabbat of Queens. Guided by Mr. Gideon Carmeli at their warehouse, our wonderful boys learned how groceries are packed for Shabbat meals for unfortunate Jewish families. They continued on to deliver those groceries to the routes and families assigned to them, in Queens and Great Neck. They learned a lot about compassion and the importance of helping the less fortunate. We hope to have more Mitzvah projects, such as this, in the upcoming months for our amazing Bar-mitzvah boys of 2013.

Great Neck Little League – Spring Registration


Spring Registration Baseball – Softball
Season Begins April 14th, 2013
Sign Up Now!

little league 3little league 2little league 1

Open Registration Dates;
February 10th, 2013 11:00am – 3:00pm
March 3rd, 2013 11:00am – 3:00pm
(Open Registration held at The Great Neck House located at
14 Arrandale Avenue, Great Neck, NY)

All Games for PreK, K, Farms, and Minors will be held on Sundays after 1:00pm
Professional Instruction for Pre-K & T-Ball!

Registration Ends March 3rd

For More Information Regarding Registration To The Great Neck Little League
Log On To;

The Parashah in a Nutshell – Lech-Lecha


G‑d speaks to Abram, commanding him, “Go from your land, from your birthplace and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you.” There, G‑d says, he will be made into a great nation. Abram and his wife, Sarai, accompanied by his nephew Lot, journey to the land of Canaan, where Abram builds an altar and continues to spread the message of a one G‑d.

A famine forces the first Jew to depart for Egypt, where beautiful Sarai is taken to Pharaoh’s palace; Abram escapes death because they present themselves as brother and sister. A plague prevents the Egyptian king from touching her, and convinces him to return her to Abram and to compensate the brother-revealed-as-husband with gold, silver and cattle.

Back in the land of Canaan, Lot separates from Abram and settles in the evil city of Sodom, where he falls captive when the mighty armies of Chedorlaomer and his three allies conquer the five cities of the Sodom Valley. Abram sets out with a small band to rescue his nephew, defeats the four kings, and is blessed by Malki-Zedek the king of Salem (Jerusalem).

G-d seals the Covenant Between the Parts with Abram, in which the exile and persecution (galut) of the people of Israel is foretold, and the Holy Land is bequeathed to them as their eternal heritage.

Still childless ten years after their arrival in the Land, Sarai tells Abram to marry her maidservant Hagar. Hagar conceives, becomes insolent toward her mistress, and then flees when Sarai treats her harshly; an angel convinces her to return, and tells her that her son will father a populous nation. Ishmael is born in Abram’s eighty-sixth year.

Thirteen years later, G‑d changes Abram’s name to Abraham (“father of multitudes”), and Sarai’s to Sarah (“princess”), and promises that a son will be born to them; from this child, whom they should call Isaac (“will laugh”), will stem the great nation with which G‑d will establish His special bond. Abraham is commanded to circumcise himself and his descendants as a “sign of the covenant between Me and you.” Abraham immediately complies, circumcising himself and all the males of his household.

The Parashah in a Nutshell – Noach


G-d instructs Noah — the only righteous man in a world consumed by violence and corruption — to build a large wooden teivah (“ark“), coated within and without with pitch. A great deluge, says G-d, will wipe out all life from the face of the earth; but the ark will float upon the water, sheltering Noah and his family, and two members (male and female) of each animal species.

Rain falls for 40 days and nights, and the waters churn for 150 days more before calming and beginning to recede. The ark settles on Mount Ararat, and from its window Noah dispatches a raven, and then a series of doves, “to see if the waters were abated from the face of the earth.” When the ground dries completely — exactly one solar year (365 days) after the onset of the Flood — G-d commands Noah to exit the teivah and repopulate the earth.

Noah builds an altar and offers sacrifices to G-d. G-d swears never again to destroy all of mankind because of their deeds, and sets the rainbow as a testimony of His new covenant with man. G-d also commands Noah regarding the sacredness of life: murder is deemed a capital offense, and while man is permitted to eat the meat of animals, he is forbidden to eat flesh or blood taken from a living animal.
Noah plants a vineyard and becomes drunk on its produce. Two of Noah’s sons, Shem and Japeth, are blessed for covering up their father’s nakedness, while his third son, Ham, is cursed for taking advantage of his debasement.

The descendants of Noah remain a single people, with a single language and culture, for ten generations. Then they defy their Creator by building a great tower to symbolize their own invincibility; G-d confuses their language so that “one does not comprehend the tongue of the other,” causing them to abandon their project and disperse across the face of the earth, splitting into seventy nations.

The Parshah of Noach concludes with a chronology of the ten generations from Noah to Abram (later Abraham), and the latter’s journey from his birthplace of Ur Casdim to Charan, on the way to the Land of Canaan.

The Parashah in a Nutshell – V’Zot Haberacha & Bereishit


The Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret Torah readings are from Leviticus 22-23, Numbers 29, and Deuteronomy 14-16. These readings detail the laws of the moadim or “appointed times” on the Jewish calendar for festive celebration of our bond with G-d; including the mitzvot of dwelling in the sukkah (branch-covered hut) and taking the “Four Kinds” on the festival of Sukkot; the offerings brought in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on Sukkot, and the obligation to journey to the Holy Temple to “to see and be seen before the face of G-d” on the three annual pilgrimage festivalsPassover, Shavuot and Sukkot.

On Simchat Torah (“Rejoicing of the Torah”) we conclude, and begin anew, the annual Torah-reading cycle. First we read the Torah section of Vezot Haberachah, which recounts the blessings that Moses gave to each of the twelve tribes of Israel before his death. Echoing Jacob’s blessings to his twelve sons five generations earlier, Moses assigns and empowers each tribe with its individual role within the community of Israel.

Vezot Haberachah then relates how Moses ascended Mount Nebo from whose summit he saw the Promised Land. “And Moses the servant of G-d died there in the Land of Moab by the mouth of G-d… and no man knows his burial place to this day.” The Torah concludes by attesting that “There arose not a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom G-d knew face to face… and in all the mighty hand and the great awesome things which Moses did before the eyes of all Israel.”

Immediately after concluding the Torah, we begin it anew by reading the first chapter of Genesis (the beginning of next Shabbat’s Torah reading) describing G-d’s creation of the world in six days and His ceasing work on the seventh–which He sanctified and blessed as a day of rest.


G-d creates the world in six days. On the first day He makes darkness and light. On the second day He forms the heavens, dividing the “upper waters” from the “lower waters.” On the third day He sets the boundaries of land and sea and calls forth trees and greenery from the earth. On the fourth day He fixes the position of the sun, moon and stars as timekeepers and illuminators of the earth. Fish, birds and reptiles are created on the fifth day; land-animals, and then the human being, on the sixth. G-d ceases work on the seventh day, and sanctifies it as a day of rest.

G-d forms the human body from the dust of the earth and blows into his nostrils a “living soul.” Originally Man is a single person, but deciding that “it is not good that man be alone,” G-d takes a “side” from the man, forms it into a woman, and marries them to each other.

Adam and Eve are placed in the Garden of Eden and commanded not to eat from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” The serpent persuades Eve to violate the command, and she shares the forbidden fruit with her husband. Because of their sin, it is decreed that man will experience death, returning to the soil from which he was formed, and that all gain will come only through struggle and hardship. Man is banished from the Garden.

Eve gives birth to two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain quarrels with Abel and murders him, and becomes a rootless wanderer. A third son is born to Adam, Seth, whose tenth-generation descendant, Noah, is the only righteous man in a corrupt world.

The Parashah in a Nutshell – First Days of Sukkot


The reading begins with an injunction that a newborn calf, lamb, or kid must be left with its mother for seven days; one may not slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day.

The reading then lists the annual Callings of Holiness — the festivals of the Jewish calendar: the weekly Shabbat; the bringing of the Passover offering on 14 Nissan; the seven-day Passover festival beginning on 15 Nissan; the bringing of the Omer offering from the first barley harvest on the 2nd day of Passover, and the commencement, on that day, of the 49-day Counting of the Omer, culminating in the festival of Shavuot on the 50th day; a “remembrance of shofar blowing” on 1 Tishrei; a solemn fast day on 10 Tishrei; the Sukkot festival — during which we are to dwell in huts for seven days and take the “Four Kinds” — beginning on 15 Tishrei; and the immediately following holiday of the “8th day” of Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret).

G-d declares the fifteenth day (and the subsequent 6 days) of the seventh month to be a holy convocation, no work shall be done during that time. The reading then describes the Sukkot offerings which were brought in the Holy Temple.

The Parashah in a Nutshell – Haazinu


The greater part of the Torah reading of Haazinu (“Listen In”) consists of a 70-line “song” delivered by Moses to the people of Israel on the last day of his earthly life.

Calling heaven and earth as witnesses, Moses exhorts the people to “Remember the days of old / Consider the years of many generations / Ask your father, and he will recount it to you / Your elders, and they will tell you” how G-d “found them in a desert land,” made them a people, chose them as His own, and bequeathed them a bountiful land. The Song also warns against the pitfalls of plenty — “Yeshurun grew fat and kicked / You have grown fat, thick and rotund / He forsook G-d who made him / And spurned the Rock of his salvation” — and the terrible calamities that would result, which Moses describes as G-d “hiding His face.” Yet in the end, he promises, G-d will avenge the blood of His servants and be reconciled with His people and land.

The Parshah concludes with G-d’s instruction to Moses to ascend the summit of Mount Nebo, from which he will behold the Promised Land before dying on the mountain. “For you shall see the land opposite you; but you shall not go there, into the land which I give to the children of Israel.”

The Parashah in a Nutshell – Vayelech

The Parshah of Vayelech (“And He Went“) recounts the events on Moses‘ last day of earthly life. “I am one hundred and twenty years old today,” he says to the people, “and I can no longer go forth and come in.” He transfers the leadership to Joshua, and writes (or concludes writing) the Torah in a scroll which he entrusts to the Levites for safekeeping in the Ark of the Covenant.

The mitzvah of Hak’hel (“Gather“) is given: every seven years, during the festival of Sukkot of the first year of the shemittah cycle, the entire people of Israel — men, women and children — should gather at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, where the king should read to them from the Torah.

Vayelech concludes with the prediction that the people of Israel will turn away from their covenant with G-d causing Him to hide His face from them, but also with the promise that the words of the Torah “shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their descendants.”

The Parashah in a Nutshell – Nitzavim

The Parshah of Nitzavim includes some of the most fundamental principles of the Jewish faith:

The unity of Israel: “You stand today, all of you, before G‑d your G‑d: your heads, your tribes, your elders, your officers, and every Israelite man; your young ones, your wives, the stranger in your gate; from your wood hewer to your water drawer.”

The future redemption: Moses warns of the exile and desolation of the Land that will result if Israel abandons G‑d’s laws, but then he prophesies that, in the end, “You will return to G‑d your G‑d… If your outcasts shall be at the ends of the heavens, from there will G‑d your G‑d gather you… and bring you into the Land which your fathers have possessed.”

The practicality of Torah: “For the Mitzvah which I command you this day, it is not beyond you nor is it remote from you. It is not in heaven… It is not across the sea…. Rather, it is very close to you, in your mouth, in your heart, that you may do it.”

Freedom of choice: “I have set before you life and goodness, and death and evil; in that I command you this day to love G‑d, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments… Life and death I have set before you, blessing and curse. And you shall choose life.”

Builders’ Wall @130


One brick alone may seem simple and discreet. Put together they represent a whole, a group united and strong. As our generations grow, we grow more united.
Together lets build our future. Have your loved ones name engraved on the Builders Wall.
To be part of the Builders' Wall contact The YMJC Synagogue office at 516 482 0444

Sisterhood Announcement:

The newly elected Mashadi Sisterhood Committee would like to announce the positions of the new officers of the Sisterhood.

Co-President’s – Monica Livian and Mahtab Zar
Co-Vice president’s – Janet Livian and Shirin Rahmani
Treasurer- Dalia Hakimian
Assistant Treasurer- Ester Zar
Executive Secretary- Sandy Mordekhai
Recording Secretary- Monica Hakimian

Board Members:
Rozita Basalaly, Nataly Hakimian, Shirin Kamali, Raya Karmily, Dina Aghabibi Khordi, Siporah Nassimi, Neda Rahmanan.


Jacob returns to the Holy Land after a 20-year stay in Haran, and sends angel-emissaries to Esau in hope of a reconciliation, but his messengers report that his brother is on the warpath with 400 armed men. Jacob prepares for war, prays, and sends Esau a large gift (consisting of hundreds of heads of sheep and cattle) to appease him.

That night, Jacob ferries his family and possessions across the Yabbok River; he, however, remains behind and encounters the angel that embodies the spirit of Esau, with whom he wrestles until daybreak. Jacob suffers a dislocated hip but vanquishes the supernal creature, who bestows on him the name Israel, which means “he who prevails over the Divine.”

Jacob and Esau meet, embrace and kiss, but part ways. Jacob purchases a plot of land near Shechem, whose crown prince—also called Shechem—abducts and rapes Jacob’s daughter Dinah. Dinah’s brothers Simeon and Levi avenge the deed by killing all male inhabitants of the city, after rendering them vulnerable by convincing them to circumcise themselves.

Jacob journeys on. Rachel dies while giving birth to her second son, Benjamin, and is buried in a roadside grave near Bethlehem. Reuben loses the birthright because he interferes with his father’s marital life. Jacob arrives in Hebron, to his father Isaac, who later dies at age 180 (Rebecca has passed away before Jacob’s arrival).

Our parshah concludes with a detailed account of Esau’s wives, children and grandchildren, and the family histories of the people of Seir among whom Esau settled.



Jacob leaves his hometown Be’er Sheva and journeys to Haran. On the way, he encounters “the place” and sleeps there, dreaming of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, with angels climbing and descending on it; G‑d appears and promises that the land upon which he lies will be given to his descendents. In the morning, Jacob raises the stone on which he laid his head as an altar and monument, pledging that it will be made the house of G‑d.

In Charan, Jacob stays with and works for his uncle Laban, tending Laban‘s sheep. Laban agrees to give him his younger daughter Rachel—whom Jacob loves—in marriage, in return for seven years’ labor. But on the wedding night, Laban gives him his elder daughter, Leah, instead—a deception Jacob discovers only in the morning. Jacob marries Rachel, too, a week later, after agreeing to work another seven years for Laban.

Leah gives birth to six sons—Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun—and a daughter, Dinah, while Rachel remains barren. Rachel gives Jacob her handmaid, Bilhah, as a wife to bear children in her stead, and two more sons, Dan and Naphtali, are born. Leah does the same with her handmaid, Zilpah, who gives birth to Gad and Asher. Finally, Rachel’s prayers are answered and she gives birth to Joseph.

Jacob has now been in Haran for fourteen years and wishes to return home, but Laban persuades him to remain, now offering him sheep in return for his labor. Jacob prospers, despite Laban’s repeated attempts to swindle him. After six years, Jacob leaves Charan in stealth, fearing that Laban would prevent him from leaving with the family and property for which he labored. Laban pursues Jacob, but is warned by G‑d in a dream not to harm him. Laban and Jacob make a pact on Mount Gal-Ed, attested to by a pile of stones, and Jacob proceeds to the Holy Land, where he is met by angels.